Monday, October 12, 2009

Getting to know Bill Cadigan, Candidate in the IL 10th CD Republican Primary

Jeff Berkowitz: …Folks, this is a good example because now you know something about [10th CD candidate] Bill Cadigan and how he thinks and how he approaches issues. I say that as a compliment… you couldn’t have learned that from [his] website. You can’t learn that from [10th CD candidate] Dick Green by going to his website and Dick Green’s not here. So, unless he comes here, how are you going to know him? Unless [10th CD Candidate] Bob Dold comes here, how are going to know him? State Rep. Beth Coulson says she’s coming here, so [you'll get to know her when she’s here in November].
Jeff Berkowitz:… It’s about you. Dick Green, if you are not here, you’re not disrespecting Berkowitz, you’re disrespecting the voters in the 10th CD. And, people outside [the District] want to know you…because they might be signing a check. They might be doing that for Bob Dold. You get the point? It’s about democracy.
Jeff Berkowitz: … [B]ailouts, you would have voted yes or no on the 700 billion dollar bailout that the Bush Administration proposed?

Bill Cadigan (R-Winnetka, 10th CD Republican Primary candidate): I would have voted no… and it’s interesting…one of the things that you do have in the 10th CD is a lot of people who do work in the financial services industry and some bright minds that you can avail yourself of and …I think that the bailout plan just covered up for a lot of bad conduct and bad actions taken at the highest level.
Jeff Berkowitz: …That’s the problem when you don’t have the [candidate] here, but I think Bob] Dold said [in a telephone interview] he would have supported [the 700 billion dollar] bailout, as proposed. You would have voted no on that.

Bill Cadigan (R-Winnetka): I would have.

Jeff Berkowitz: That’s a difference. Dick Green? We don’t know. We’ll find out from Rep. Coulson [when she is here]. Stimulus. You would have voted yes on that 800 billion dollar stimulus?

Bill Cadigan: I would have voted no against that, too…what we’re seeing is that the money’s not being spent. I was with a group of contractors a few weeks ago- the people that you would have thought the money would have made its way to by now so they could put people to work and start working on projects in the community.

Jeff Berkowitz: It’s not working?

Bill Cadigan: No, it’s not.

Jeff Berkowitz: So you certainly wouldn’t go for a second stimulus?

Bill Cadigan: No, absolutely not. I think the Administration oversold that as …a panacea for the economy that would prevent us from reaching the 10% unemployment that we are nudging up against now—
Jeff Berkowitz: …I very much want to thank our guest, Bill Cadigan, who is running for Congress in the 10th Cong. Dist. Republican Primary…He is obviously not afraid to speak out…We’ve had on [the show] on the Democratic side, State Rep. Julie Hamos—she is not afraid to come on the show, we expect her to be coming back. [Democrat] Dan Seals? We haven’t seen him in three years, so, Dan, we hope you will come on and let the Democratic voters know what you think. Abortion, you would be….
Excerpted from Public Affairs, recorded on October 11, 2010. For more about Bill Cadigan, 10th CD Republican Primary Candidate, and this week's Chicago Metro suburban airing schedule of the "Public Affairs," show with Bill Cadigan, please go here.
Jeff Berkowitz, Show Host/Producer of "Public Affairs," and Executive Legal Recruiter doing legal search can be reached at *************************************************************
More than 112 of our shows from the last two years are posted on the Public Affairs YouTube page , and the show with 10th CD Republican Primary candidate Cadigan will soon be streaming from this YouTube page. *********************************************************************