Monday, July 23, 2007

Watch 4th CD candidate and Ald. Flores on Cable and now Streaming.

Updated on Wednesday at 1:50 am: 4th CD candidate and Ald. Manny Flores can now be watched on your computer at
4th CD Democratic Primary Candidate and Chicago Ald. Manny Flores is the featured guest on tonight’s [July 23] City of Chicago edition of "Public Affairs," airing at 8:30 pm on Cable Ch. 21 [CANTV] throughout the City of Chicago. Ald. Flores is also featured on the Aurora edition of Public Affairs, airing at 7:30 pm in Aurora and some surrounding areas on Aurora Community Television, Comcast Cable Ch. 10. The Aurora station reaches all of Aurora, Bristol, Big Rock and parts of Oswego, Sandwich, Sugar Grove and Montgomery.
For more about Ald. Manny Flores, the 4th Cong. Dist. race, the topics discussed in tonight's show and a partial transcript of the show, please go here.
You can also watch Democratic Presidential Primary Candidates Bill Richardson and Barack Obama Republican Presidential Primary Candidates McCain, Giuliani and Cox, and many more pols, opinion makers and opinion shapers, e.g., tonight's show with 4th Cong. Dist. Democratic Primary candidate and Chicago Ald. Manny Flores and this week's suburban edition of Public Affairs with possible Republican U. S. Senate Candidate Jim Nalepa and prior shows with Senator Martin Sandoval [D-Chicago], MarySue Barrett, President of the Metropolitan Planning Council, Cook County Commissioner Roberto Maldonado [D-Chicago], State Senators Lauzen [R-Aurora] and Syverson [R-Rockford], Republican Campaign Consultants Dan Proft and Dan Curry on your computer by going to
Getting 100% of the kids in 4th CD to read at Grade Level?

Jeff Berkowitz: If it turns out that charter schools do well, voucher schools do well, all the kids leave the public schools and take their public money and go to private schools and they do well, do we really care if the kids are getting educated well in private or charter schools-- the meaning public/private almost has no meaning then. Would you be a happy camper if you came into congress, set an example of school vouchers and charter schools, and at the end of four years, 100% of the kids in your District were reading at grade level, would you really care that they all left to go to private schools?

Ald. Manny Flores and 4th CD Democrat Candidate: The number one priority is the children. Anyone who says otherwise I believe is not serving the best interests of our community.

School Vouchers popular in Hispanic Community:

Jeff Berkowitz: And...polls show that school vouchers are very popular in the Hispanic community. You know that, right?

Ald. Manny Flores: But, that's not the issue. The issue is--

How to make sure the education program is working.

Jeff Berkowitz: Getting elected is important.

Ald. Manny Flores: It is, but the issue again is, to be very clear with the voters and the viewers here, we are funding public dducation...if we are funding it, we have a responsibility to make sure that that program is working as it ought to be working.

Jeff Berkowitz: And, the way we make sure is we provide competition: charter schools, voucher schools-

Making sure educational alternatives are good options

Ald. Manny Flores: And I would submit to you that one of the things we need to do is provide for better technology, provide for better school supplies, provide for better capital improvement, making sure that the quality of teacher is high... and that will improve the quality of education...if we are funding public education and we have this educational alternative as an option that we make sure...that it be a good option...

Jeff Berkowitz: If people want to go there, that's the best test. You have waiting lists of kids who want to get into charter schools.

Local Schools.

Ald. Manny Flores: ...There are a lot of parents in our community who say "I want to send my child to a local school..."

Jeff Berkowitz: A local school can be a voucher school, a charter school, it doesn't have to be a so-called traditional public school...
4th Cong. Dist. candidate and Chicago Alderman Manny Flores, interviewed on Public Affairs on July 8, 2007 and as is airing tonight in Chicago [8:30 pm on Cable Ch. 21] and Aurora and surrounding areas [7:30 pm on ACTV, Comcast Cable Ch. 10], and as is now streaming on your computer at
Jeff Berkowitz, Show Host/Producer of "Public Affairs," and Executive Legal Recruiter doing legal search can be reached at You may watch "Public Affairs," shows with Presidential Candidates Obama, McCain, Giuliani and Cox and many other pols at