Thursday, July 05, 2007

The Closing of Barack Obama’s mind

The Dumbing Down of Barack Obama:

Barack Obama, U. S. Senator [D-IL] and presidential candidate, has always been and continues to be, in numerous respects, an extremely impressive politician, as I have written and remarked, publicly and frequently, See, e.g., especially the link "Obama unbelievably talented," at the end of the "liberal run for President," post and "Obama transcends race and politics." However, it is sad to see the dumbing down of Barack Obama, as his handlers try to make him, with some success, into just another pandering pol. Not that it is any worse with Obama than his competitors for President, it is just that people had come to expect so much more.

June 27, 2002: Obama starts his run for national prominence with an Open Mind on School Vouchers.

On June 27, 2002, as Obama was embarking on his campaign for the U. S. Senate, he had few handlers and therefore made a lot of sense when he spoke. For example, on education, State Senator Barack Obama said:

I would support anything that is going to be better off [in education] for the children of Illinois.

Indeed, Obama made a point of noting that he was not “closed minded,” on the issue of school vouchers-school choice. [See below, for a copy of the relevant portion of the June 27, 2002 transcript of "Public Affairs with Jeff Berkowitz."]

Coincidentally, perhaps, on the same day Obama made that statement, the U. S. Supreme Court [this is way before Chief Justice Roberts and Justice Alito joined the court] ruled that school vouchers-school choice passed constitutional muster, an event that would not go unnoticed by Obama, who has taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School.

July 18, 2003: Obama closes his mind on school vouchers, as his U. S. Senate campaign kicks into high gear. Obama still champions charter schools

Once he had more handlers buzzing around him, in July, 2003, Obama began to close his mind a bit on school vouchers-school choice, stating:

What I said was--I think that we have to consider every possibility of improving what admittedly is an intolerable school system for a lot of inner-city kids. I do not believe in vouchers. I am a strong supporter of charter schools, as you know. I think that we do have to innovate and experiment to encourage competition in the school systems….

Note, only a year after his open mind on vouchers statement, but then thoroughly into a U. S. Senate campaign, Obama had closed his mind on school vouchers, but still articulated his support for an alternative to the “intolerable [public] school system for a lot of inner city kids,” i.e. charter schools.

July 5, 2007: Obama slams school vouchers and neglects to champion charter schools to Nation’s largest teachers’ union.

Four years after championing charter schools, after running officially for the Presidency for almost five months, Obama implicitly throws “Charter schools,” overboard-- and the minority kids in failing public schools under the bus.

Speaking today to the NEA, the nation’s largest teachers’ union, Obama decided to pander with the best of the pandering presidential candidates, telling the assembled teachers that he would not “abandon public schools,” by handing out school vouchers. Instead, Obama is going to abandon the kids in the failing public schools and make sure they have no way out, whether it be via school vouchers or charter schools. Obama’s solution? Investing “billions of dollars,” in teachers by “raising teachers salaries.”

Illinois State Government legislates major increases in spending on Public Schools: To what end?

State Senator Radogno [R-Lemont], who was in the Illinois Senate for all eight years that Obama was there, stated recently on “Public Affairs with Jeff Berkowitz,” [See here] that Illinois’ State Government spending on public schools had doubled in the last decade. Since much of that happened under “Obama’s watch,” does Obama know what his constituents got for that additional spending? And, if the answer is, “not much,” why will it be different when the Feds, under Obama, give an order of magnitude more to education? An enterprising mainstream reporter may want to ask Barack these questions at his next presser.

Hypocrisy on School Choice by the Obamas and Clintons

Further the mainstream media may also want to ask why Obama opts out of the public schools for his two daughters, but doesn’t want to give the same option to exit the public schools to those citizens of these United States who may not have quite the income of Michele and Barack Obama. And, the media may also want to ask why Hillary and Mr. Bill opted out of the public schools in Washington, D.C. for their daughter, but don’t want to give the same option to exit the public schools to those citizens of these United States who may not have quite the income of the Clintons.
Relevant portions of the transcripts showing the evolution of Barack Obama on education, or what might be called the “Closing of Obama’s mind, on education,” are included, below.

Of course, Obama’s views and Hillary’s views on the subject of education and pandering to the NEA are most likely no worse than all the other Democratic Primary presidential candidates. This is because the Democratic Party has become a fully owned subsidiary of the teachers unions, at least with respect to education. The difference with Barack is that he, at least, for a while exhibited an open mind on education. But, no more. The handlers have done their job. Barack Obama, meet Hillary, Edwards, et al. Barack Obama, on his way to becoming just another pol?
Transcripts tracking the closing of “Obama’s mind.”

State Senator Barack Obama [D-Chicago]: …I am also willing to say that I am not close minded on this issue [School Vouchers, School Choice] so I think everybody should go into this with the basic attitude that the bottom line is--how are we providing the most effective education for students at every grade level and every economic strata, and if we are doing that, then we shouldn't be didactic or ideological about how to best deliver that.

Jeff Berkowitz: So, I take that to mean that under the right circumstances you, Barack Obama, possible U. S. Senate Candidate from the State of Illinois, could support school vouchers and could even do so in your role as a state senator in the Illinois Legislature.

State Senator Barack Obama: No, what you can take that to mean is that I am willing to listen to these arguments and see if there-- If I can be persuaded that ultimately kids would be better off, then--

Berkowitz: Then you would support it.

State Senator Barack Obama: I would support anything that is going to be better off for the children of Illinois.

Berkowitz: Including school vouchers, if you are persuaded?

State Senator Barack Obama: Whatever is on the table I think has to be debated.

Jeff Berkowitz: Quite a concession. I am going to quit while I am ahead. Let's go over to the Pledge of Allegiance. Yesterday, another major decision from the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals...
Then State Senator Barack Obama, interviewed on “Public Affairs with Jeff Berkowitz,” a Chicagoland political interview show taped on June 27, 2002 [See here and here for current "Public Affairs," shows].
Jeff Berkowitz: Well, your views might have changed. Last time, you said you will do anything that improves the [school] situation and you were open to school vouchers. Did I get that right?

U. S. Senate Candidate and State Senator Barack Obama: What I said was--I think that we have to consider every possibility of improving what admittedly is an intolerable [Public] school system for a lot of inner-city kids. I do not believe in vouchers. I am a strong supporter of charter schools, as you know. I think that we do have to innovate and experiment to encourage competition in the school systems... *******************************************
Berkowitz: ... Here is my [school voucher] backpack, right here.

U. S. Senate Candidate and State Senator Barack Obama: I have done the backpack thing, Jeff

Berkowitz: But, you haven't done it as a U. S. Senate candidate. Here it is. It has changed now. We are now spending about $9,000 [per kid per year operating cost in the CPS]. It went up from $8,000 [per year per kid]. Here is the [school voucher] backpack. I am the parent. I am serious. I want to know. Barack Obama, could you give me that backpack? That is, $9,000 for each kid [of mine.] $18,000 that I could spend at a school [of my choice for my two kids]. You don't want to do that for me?

U. S. Senate Candidate and State Senator Barack Obama: Jeff, Jeff

Berkowitz: [Berkowitz offers the school voucher backpack to Obama]. You don't want to take that backpack? I didn't think so.

U. S. Senate Candidate and State Senator Barack Obama: We are going to get in this debate again. As I have said before, I believe that the voucher program is, although I believe that there are very sincere proponents like yourself, I think that the ultimate result of initiating a voucher program ends up being to, over time, not foster competition, but, in fact, to reduce the options available particularly for the hardest to reach kids because a private market system will not ultimately try to reach the toughest to teach kids. That's a debate that we have had before. What I do know is at the federal level what we can do on the education front is make sure that programs like "Leave no child behind," actually don't leave the money behind, which is what's happened with [President] George Bush.

Jeff Berkowitz: Well, that [No Child Left Behind] doesn't give choice. You and I agree on that?

U. S. Senate Candidate and State Senator Barack Obama: That I certainly agree with. I think the notion that somehow these kids now have options if they are in failing schools when in fact they don't –

Berkowitz: [Holding up the $18,000 voucher backpack for two kids]. This is an option: $18,000. It is $18,000; School of your choice.

U. S. Senate Candidate and State Senator Barack Obama: It is not true. Because the kids on the South Side of Chicago; the kids in King High School, or in Crane, or in other of these schools will not end up going to New Trier High School [One of the best public schools, nationally, located in the North Shore in Illinois].

Berkowitz: They don't have to. They just need to go to a BETTER school [than their current one] and eventually there will be a New Trier. But it doesn't have to be New Trier overnight.
Then State Senator Barack Obama, interviewed on “Public Affairs with Jeff Berkowitz,” a Chicagoland political interview show on July 18, 2003 [See here and here for current "Public Affairs," shows].
Presidential Candidate Barack Obama: The ideal of a public education has always been at the heart of the American promise. It's why we are committed to fixing and improving our public schools instead of abandoning them and passing out vouchers. …
Presidential Candidate Barack Obama: By 12th grade, our children [in public schools] score lower on their math and science tests than most other kids in the developed world. Sixty percent of African-American fourth graders [in public schools] are unable to read at a basic level, and today only 9% of low-income students will graduate from college.
Presidential Candidate Barack Obama: In the coming weeks, I'll be laying out the specific details of my plan to invest billions of new dollars into the teaching profession…
Presidential Candidate Barack Obama: So let's make a promise right now that if you're a teacher or a principal doing the hard work of educating our children, we will reward that work with the salary increase that you deserve
U. S. Senator and Democratic Presidential Candidate Barack Obama, speaking today at the Annual Meeting of the National Education Association [the largest teachers union in the country] at the Pennsylvania Convention Center [See here].
Jeff Berkowitz, Show Host/Producer of "Public Affairs," and Executive Legal Recruiter doing legal search can be reached at You may watch "Public Affairs," shows with Presidential Candidates Obama, McCain, Giuliani and Cox and many other pols at