Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Zorn, blogging and navel disarmament

The more things change, the more they same they same. Almost two score years ago, it was The Medium is the Message, or the Massage. This Thursday morning [11:00 am], at Columbia College, more on the medium is the message, but this time—it is styled, "Blogging and how it's transforming the media landscape.”

Chicago Tribune columnist and blogger Eric Zorn will be there as a panelist and is now blogging about the moderator’s blogging about his blog. Zorn ties this into navel gazing, but should he really be thinking about the consequences of naval disarmament? Or, since that is now outdated, perhaps navel disarmament.
Jeff Berkowitz, Host and Producer of Public Affairs and an Executive Recruiter doing Legal Search, can be reached at JBCG@aol.com